
Producing pasta filata cheeses, such as fior di latte, is notoriously difficult and demands a considerable amount of skill and expertise to ensure both quality and consistency. This process always begins with assessing the milk’s quality, analysing its fat-to-protein ratios, to determine the canvas our cheese makers will deploy their art onto.

We are fortunate to collaborate with Chew Valley Dairy, a family-run organic and Red Tractor certified dairy. Their commitment to animal welfare and sustainable farming practices ensures that we consistently receive the highest quality whole milk, produced just 3 miles away on one of their dairies. Additionally, our Caseificio is strategically located within the same walls as their state-of-the-art processing plant. This proximity enables us to obtain the most accurate milk analysis, ensuring the correct fat and protein ratio content for crafting the finest pasta filata cheeses.

Our casari (cheese makers) are the heart and soul of our business, and we are fortunate to have Nicolò as our head Casaro. Hailing from a long line of Casari in Sicily, his family owned caseificios from the 1960s until they closed in 2019. Making mozzarella is ingrained in his blood, and with over 20 years of experience, his calm and diligent demeanor ensures that the Caseificio is in excellent hands.